Touristic Port of Capo d'Orlando

A lot of services close to the Aeolian Islands.


Touristic Port of Capo d'Orlando

A lot of services
close to the
Aeolian Islands


Modern and Multifunctional

Capo d’Orlando Marina is a high-profile facility covering over 180,000 m2 and distinguished by its bio-architecture-inspired infrastructure and excellent services.

The vast harbour basin accommodates yachts between 7.5 and 45 metres in length, offering dockside moorings with dead-bulk traps.

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Travel Lift

Blue Flag 2024

Capo d’Orlando Marina has received the Blue Flag, a prestigious recognition awarded by the Foundation for Environmental Education.

Our port has fully complied with the requirements for the international award “guaranteeing the quality and quantity of the services provided in full environmental compatibility,” as stated in the motivation.

Sestante Motel

Sestante is our four-star motel, modern and equipped with every comfort, with 13 rooms including a suite and a junior suite.

It has a large meeting room and a lounge bar with a panoramic terrace.

Daily Transits

With our daily mooring service you can enjoy many services for your boat, take advantage of organised events and enjoy unique experiences, thanks also to the distance of only 14 nautical miles from the Aeolian Islands.

Discover Sicily

Our door is located in Capo d’Orlando, a renowned tourist destination right in front of the Aeolian Islands and with the Nebrodi Park behind it. Thanks to its location, it will be easy to move between sea and mountains to discover artistic treasures and magnificent landscapes.

Events and News

Capo d'Orlando Marina